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Useful Developer Info

Welcome to the Dev area! We love PR's! 🐝

We would would love you to get involved with our Github repo.

All the action can be found on our Discord Server. Sign up and get involved with our buzzing hive of daily dev chat.

If you would like to contribute, please read the coding guidelines before you get started.

Installation from source is described in the Installation.

Testing a connection with PingPong protocol

To check if two nodes are connected and to see the round trip time for message exchange between them, get the overlay address from one node, for example local node 2:

curl localhost:1835/addresses

Make sure that Debug API is enabled and addresses configured as in examples above.

And use that address in the Debug API call on another node, for example, local node 1:

curl -XPOST localhost:1735/pingpong/d4440baf2d79e481c3c6fd93a2014d2e6fe0386418829439f26d13a8253d04f1

Generating protobuf

To process protocol buffer files and generate the Go code from it two tools are needed:

Makefile rule protobuf can be used to automate protoc-gen-gogofaster installation and code generation:

make protobuf


Developers can gain an additional level of insight into the node by enabling tracing. To make use of Tracing, we advice to make use of jaeger.

  • Set up tracing by:

    • Start jaeger: docker run -p 6831:6831/udp -p 16686:16686 jaegertracing/all-in-one:latest

    • start locally two bee nodes (different data dirs and ports) and connect them (see "Start a test network" in the advanced section) with --tracing flag provided for both nodes

  • Make a call to the PingPong API on one of the two nodes (curl -XPOST localhost:1735/pingpong/<overlay address other node>).

Validate tracing in the web interface (http://localhost:16686/).