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The restricted APIs feature is experimental, further breaking changes might be introduced in the upcoming releases


Only a subset of endpoints running on :1633 can be restricted. This is subject to change in the future releases.

Now that you decided to restrict the access to the APIs you should follow the next steps:

  • Pick a password that is strong enough.
  • Use a bcrypt utility to hash it (you can use bee bcrypt command for this purpose bcrypt utility
  • Pass the hash to the bee instance using the --admin-password command line option (or as a configuration parameter)
  • Pick a random string to be used for the --token-encryption-key (the same security token can be used against many instances sharing the same encryption key)

Calling the restricted APIs

Getting the security token

In order to call any of the restricted APIs the requests have to have a "Bearer" Authorization header with a valid security token. The security token can be acquired by calling the /auth HTTP endpoint that is protected using basic authentication

To call this endpoint you need to generate an authorization header based on our password. That is achieved by base64 encoding our password prepended with a colon ":" character (since username is empty in our case). So if our password is s3cret then you need to base64(:s3cret)

The payload is in a json format containing two fields:

  • role
  • expiry

The role field can have one of the four values:

  • maintainer
  • creator
  • auditor
  • consumer

The expiry field is a numeric value representing the lifetime of the token (in seconds)


There is an inheritance relationship between roles: consumer ⊆ creator ⊆ accountant ⊆ maintainer Maintainer role is universal - it's the superset of all permissions belonging to other roles.


Let's say our password is hello

By base64 encoding :hello we get the value OmhlbGxv

this is our basic authorization header value that we can use in our payload:

POST {{api}}/auth
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic OmhlbGxv

"role": "maintainer",
"expiry": 3600

Sample response:


Refreshing the security token

In order to refresh the token we need to call the /refresh endpoint in the same manner as when we are calling any other restricted API endpoint - by putting valid existing token in the http request:

POST {{api}}/refresh
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer A1UQrbNUK22otp50EsESoJNYkJfrK9H1D4ex4gSWUddx3H/A9VCu8ltS8lVmvSTzoNA==

"role": "maintainer",
"expiry": 86400

In the payload you can specify a different role and token lifetime.

A note on the HTTP endpoints

There are three major groups:

  • technical debug endpoints
    • /readiness
    • /node
    • /addresses
    • /chainstate
    • /debug/pprof
    • /debug/vars
    • /health
  • business related endpoints residing on the debug port
    • /peers
    • /pingpong/{peer-id}
    • /reservestate
    • /connect/{address}
    • /blocklist
    • /peers/{address}
    • /chunks/{address}
    • /topology
    • /welcome-message
    • /balances
    • /balances/{peer}
    • /consumed
    • /consumed/{peer}
    • /timesettlements
    • /settlements
    • /settlements/{peer}
    • /chequebook/cheque/{peer}
    • /chequebook/cheque
    • /chequebook/cashout/{peer}
    • /chequebook/balance
    • /chequebook/address
    • /chequebook/deposit
    • /chequebook/withdraw
    • /wallet
    • /stamps
    • /stamps/{id}
    • /stamps/{id}/buckets
    • /stamps/{amount}/{depth}
    • /stamps/topup/{id}/{amount}
    • /stamps/dilute/{id}/{depth}
    • /batches
    • /tags/{id}
  • API endpoints
    • /bytes
    • /bytes/{address}
    • /chunks
    • /chunks/stream
    • /chunks/{address}
    • /soc/{owner}/{id}
    • /feeds/{owner}/{topic}
    • /bzz
    • /bzz/{address}
    • /bzz/{address}/{path}
    • /pss/send/{topic}/{targets}
    • /pss/subscribe/{topic}
    • /tags
    • /tags/{id}
    • /pins
    • /pins/{reference}
    • /stewardship/{address}
    • /auth
    • /refresh

The user can toggle the debug port by setting the appropriate boolean value on debug-api-enable configuration parameter. If the value is false (default) then the first two groups of endpoints will not be available.

Once we toggle the restricted flag to true - two things are going to happen:

  • it will expose the debug business related endpoints on the API port
  • it will restrict the access to them based on the security configuration provided.

Toggling the restricted flag ON will not remove the business related endpoints from the debug port, nor will it restrict them there.

The order in which HTTP endpoints become available

The technical debug endpoints group will be the first to become available - as soon as its dependencies come online (within seconds). The other two groups will become available at a later stage, specifically after the postage syncing is done. Requests to a non technical debug endpoint before it becomes available will be rejected with a 404 http response code.